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The name of this organization shall be the Safety Harbor Boat Club of Safety Harbor, FL, herein referred to as the "Boat Club".

ARTICLE II PurposeThe purpose of the Boat Club shall be to promote boating in Safety Harbor, FL by providing the organization to encourage recreational and competitive boating.

ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1 Any person may join the Boat Club.
Section 2 Dues
A. Initiation and annual dues presently are $30.00 per family/boat.* A family is defined as immediate family members. Extended family members will be considered as guests. Annual dues will be paid beginning the year following the year of initiation. Guests presently pay $ 5.00 at Club social functions.
1) Surviving Spouse Life Membership: Surviving spouses of deceased members shall be granted lifetime membership.
B. Any proposed change in the initiation fee or the annual dues for members must be voted upon by the membership at the following general meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of the eligible members present at that meeting will be required for passage. *Changed as required per vote at general meeting from $25.00 at October 4, 2023 Meeting.
C. All Members will be sent a dues statement in December of each year. Dues are payable in advance and are due upon receipt of said statement. All Members who have not paid their dues by January 31st will be sent a delinquency notice.
D. All Members who have not paid their dues by March 1st shall become members in default and may be restored to the member in good standing at any time in that calendar year by paying the full years dues. At the end of the calendar year, all members in default will forfeit their membership. A member in default may participate in any club event as a guest.
E. Special assessments for functions will be voted on by Officers for specific events. These assessments will be reported to the members by the treasurer.
Section 3 Code of Conduct
Safety Harbor Boat Club Code of Conduct
The mission of the Safety Harbor Boat Club (SHBC) is to promote safe boating, neighborly conduct, training classes and family-oriented social gatherings. The Club is open to all persons. SHBC prides itself on being a club for novices and seasoned experts alike. The members of the Safety Harbor Boat Club (SHBC) come from various backgrounds and life experiences. Our diversity enriches our commitment to our Club's constitutionally defined purpose: to promote boating in Safety Harbor FL by providing the organization to encourage recreational and competitive boating (SHBC Constitution, Article II). Consistent with our purpose, our members are charged to adhere to exemplary moral standards and ethical conduct. These standards manifest in the way members of the Club are expected to conduct themselves.

SHBC Membership is a privilege and carries responsibilities. The most significant of these responsibilities is the courteous, civil and safe interactions among our members and/or guests while attending or involved with SHBC events afloat or ashore. SHBC Members are responsible for their own conduct as well as their families' and guests' behavior(s) while participating in SHBC events. It is unacceptable behavior for any member and/or guest to mistreat a fellow member, guest, or other person either verbally or otherwise. Such mistreatment includes, but is not limited to, verbal communication (spoken or written) and/or physical behavior.

Any member, family member, or guest whose behavior is considered inappropriate can be addressed by any member asking that person to cease and desist. Inappropriate behavior includes but is not limited to, actions likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony, Club reputation, or others' experiences in the Club. If the offending action continues, the person should be reported to an SHBC officer for further action.

The SHBC officers shall determine what constitutes behavior requiring action. Further administrative action, commensurate with the offense, may include but is not limited to oral or written reprimand, suspension, or expulsion from the Club. When the administrative action concerns a majority decision by the officers to expel a member, the Commodore will appoint an ad hoc committee of seven (7) consisting of current officers and randomly selected past officers willing to serve to review the events and vote on the expulsion. A minimum of 5 to 2 vote is required to expel a member. An expelled member may reapply for membership after 1 (one) full year.
Adopted December 5, 2018

ARTICLE IV Officers and Their Responsibilities
There shall be four elected Club Officers. Their titles shall be Commodore, Vice Commodore, Treasurer, and Secretary.
A. Commodore shall: Act as Presiding Officer of the general meetings and be responsible to the membership for the proper operation of the Club. The Commodore shall have discretionary spending of $ 50.00 per event or item.
B. Vice Commodore shall: Be responsible for the club activities and shall assume the duties of the Commodore in his absence. The Vice Commodore shall have discretionary spending of $ 50.00 per event or item. Under the Vice Commodore, there shall be three chairpersons to be appointed by the Vice Commodore: Activities Chair, Program Chair, and Race Chair.
1. The Activities Chair shall organize non-race events and aid in other events as needed.
2. The Program Chair shall organize guest speakers for monthly meetings and aid in other events as needed.
3. The Race Chair shall schedule, score, and keep records of races and aid in other events as needed.
C. The Treasurer shall:
1. Collect all dues and fees owing the Club.
2. Disburse funds only in accordance with the authorized budget. Expenditures not in compliance with the budget require prior approval by the Officers.
3. Maintain an accurate account of all money collected and disbursed, with a supporting file of bills and invoices.
4. Report to the Officers at each meeting on the present and projected financial condition of the Club.
5. At the end of their term, prepare an annual financial report listing the Club's assets and liabilities and giving a complete record of receipts and disbursements for the year.
D. The Secretary shall:
1. Keep a record of all business transacted at meetings.
2. Maintain a complete and up-to-date file of the Constitution and all amendments or revisions thereto.
3. Procure and maintain a supply of all printed forms necessary for the conduct of Club business.
4. Maintain a file of applications for membership and a record of fees received.
5. Prepare and maintain a roster of Club members including their addresses, telephone numbers, and boat names.
Term of Office
The term of office for the Officer's members shall be one year. The Officers-elect shall assume duties on January 1st, and terminate their duties on the last day of December of that year.
Vacancy of an Office
In the event of a vacancy of an Office, the club members may elect a successor who shall assume the duties of the vacated office for the balance of the year.
Election of Officers

Any Officer may be removed from their office for failure to meet the duties of the office. Such an action shall be by a 2/3 majority vote of the Club membership exclusive of the member being voted upon.

A. There shall be a minimum of four Officer meetings a year, with the date and time to be determined by the Officers. The committee shall consist of the elected club Officers. These meetings are open to all dues-paying members.
B. An annual meeting of the general membership shall be held near the end of each year at a time and place designated by the Officers. Among other items of business will be the presentation of the annual reports, including the Treasurer's report, and the election of Officers.
C. General membership meetings will be held once per month at a time and place specified by the Officers.

A. Rules necessary to carry out the objectives of the Club may be adopted or revised by a majority vote of the club members present at the annual meeting.
B. Except as amended by this Constitution, the current Robert's Rules of Order will govern the conduct of general membership and Officer meetings.

ARTICLE VIII Bank Accounts
A. All money belonging to the Club are to be deposited in accounts of the Safety Harbor Boat Club.
B. All checks over $100.00drawn on accounts of the Safety Harbor Boat Club must be signed by the Treasurer and initialed by another Officer.
C. In case of boat club dissolution by agreement of the general membership and Officers, all encumbered money in the club bank account shall be properly disbursed and remaining unencumbered money and property shall be disbursed as determined by the incumbent Officers committee.

ARTICLE IX Amendments
Any member in good standing may propose an amendment to this Constitution and amendments at any general meeting or at any Officers meeting. The proposal will be voted upon by the membership at the following general meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of the members present will be required for passage, and the amendment will take effect immediately unless otherwise stated in the amendment.

ARTICLE X Ratification
This Constitution shall go into effect when approved at a general meeting by a majority vote of the Club membership in attendance.

Revision #1 - Approved by Safety Harbor Boat Club on March 1, 2006.
Revision #2 - Approved by Safety Harbor Boat Club on February 6, 2008.
Revision #3 - Approved by Safety Harbor Boat Club on August 3, 2014.
Revision #4 - Approved by Safety Harbor Boat Club on November 5, 2014.
Revision #5 - Approved by Safety Harbor Boat Club on December 5, 2018


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