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Another OktoberFest cookout is a success, complete with bratwurst and several species of German Potato Salad. There was even one of our sponsors, Norman Dixon from Dunedin Brewery, present to make sure the donation operated smoothly. The Commodore's Cup Race turned out to be a strange one indeed. It would have been nice if the second leg actually had a breeze. Lots of pictures to browse, so enjoy!


Bahama Breeze

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The Bahama Breeze Lunch event turned out to be a land and sail event. The winds were blowing 5 - 10 knots, so we had several boats sail or motor over. The lunch was great, service was great, and we had a larger-than-previous group. The usual talk and teasing took place at the tables. Everyone had a great meal and good time, except maybe the staff that had to work around us waiting other tables. Due to the traditionally great food, The Breeze was crowded as usual.

Bahama Breeze
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The Bahama Breeze Lunch event turned out to be a land-sail event. The winds were blowing 15 - 20 knots, so everyone decided to skip the water route. The lunch was great, service was great, and our waitress Victoria refused to give her phone number. Talk was about a variety of subjects, but big was the fate of our club members participating in the Good Old Boat Regatta in St. Petersburg the same day. It was agreed the deep-keel boats would have the advantage that day.

St Patty's

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The St. Patty's get together was a much more pleasant event this year than last. The winds were blowing 10-15 knots. Our scheduled boat race before the cookout was huge success. A good time was had by all!. Thanks to Mike D. for uploading the pictures, and to Gerry C. for taking those of Mike's boat, "the biggest damn gennie" he has ever seen, and the race start.

Night Race

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The Race was doing well when everyone noticed some seriously dark storm clouds rolling in from the East. Several boats just rounding the second mark reported huge lightning bolts and reported they were not finishing the race. Ellen, acting as Tactician on Empire, said they were close to the finish and wanted to complete the course. Shortly after that, EVERYONE was heading for safety. The pictures were taken by a crewman (Steve Eberhard) using his cell phone.

4th of July
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The 4th of July was a great day. We had a boat race (actually a drifting contest), food on the dock, a great fireworks show hosted by the City of Safety Harbor, and NO RAIN in our area! The race pictures were taken by Bob Meyer, a new member from Tampa. These pictures appear to be taken over a 1/2 hour period. As you can see, the boat positions changed very little.

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The St. Patty's get together was an interesting event this year. The winds were blowing 25 knots, and gusting over 40 knots, all day long. Our scheduled boat race before the cookout was cancelled, but three boatloads of people of questionalble sensibilities went out anyhow. And this was after two boats sailed in from Tampa, one with a blown out jib sail and the other being a 19-footer that surfed more than sailed. Not to let a beautiful day go to waste, we just started the party early!
This turned out to be a beautiful day for walking around at the Sector St. Petersburg U.S.C.G. Station. The base was not very large, but we learned some of the buildings are on the National Historic Register. Unfortunately, the communications room was off limits to cameras, but we were free to take pictures of the rest of the base. After the tour, it was lunch at the Tiki Hut of Fish Tales.
This turned out to be a "One-Design" (yes, I know, but we don't have 5 of them) race. Two Island Packets raced, and were so closely matched that about the only difference was the boat name. In the images, you can see even the mains were of the same manufacturer. No matter what you hear, the boats crossed the finish line within a foot of each other.
Two seasons of Bikini Cup activity. Follow the link to see the competitors and activities.